
Mercedes-Benz is entering the NFT madness


Hi there! This weekly digest is brought to you by the Good Crypto team. We know you need to stay up to date with the latest developments in our niche, so we’ve compiled the most exciting events of the past week. You are about to read the hottest news, latest exchange listings, and of course, discover some memes to cheer you up. Stay updated and don’t miss a thing. Follow us on Twitter or Telegram!

Weekly Market Summary

Binance has announced the removal of the following trading pairs:


It must be noted that users can still trade the above assets in other trading pairs that are available on Binance.

Prominent luxury car brand Mercedes-Benz is entering the NFT madness and releasing its NFT collection.

“With the project, the Mercedes-Benz G-Class enters completely new terrain – the NFT space. Its strong appearance is reflected in each of the five artworks despite completely different interpretations.” — the company stated.

Quick weekly news:

Other notable events include:

MMA champion asks for half of the fee in BTC

UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou followed the example of his colleagues and signed an agreement with Cash App that will allow him to convert half of his UFC 270 purse.

“After learning more and more about bitcoin, I truly believe it is the future of money,” Ngannou stated (via his agent Marquel Martin).

This information was confirmed by MMA news reporter Ariel Helwani in his blog. He also noted that Ngannou intends to distribute about $300,000 worth of BTC to fans via his Twitter and Instagram.

Spain moves to regulate crypto asset advertising

“The National Commission for the Securities Market (CNMV) is introducing new rules regarding the promotion of investments in crypto assets in Spain,” the official bulletin says. Advertisers and companies who promote crypto assets will have to inform the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) at least 10 days in advance about the content of campaigns targeting more than 100,000 people.

With these changes, the Commission expects to take control of the promotion of services for investing and trading cryptocurrencies. It is assumed that the new rules will come into force on February 17, 2022. The key objective of the initiative is to convey to ordinary people all the risks associated with the crypto industry, as well as to remove dubious or misleading content on this issue.

New Listings on KuCoin:

New Listings on Kraken:

By the way, our PRO plan includes new Exchange Listing alerts for more than 30 exchanges in our app. Become a PRO and receive an instant notification when a new coin is listed on the exchanges you’re interested in.

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DogeSwap is a new DEX based on the Huobi Eco Chain Mainnet, a 100% decentralized mining ecosystem committed to supporting new assets as well as LP mining and single currency mining for new assets. DOG has passed the security auditing of Slow Fog Technology and is a platform currency of DogeSwap. As stated on their website, everyone hodling DOG will get its mining income and platform governance rights.



Revain is an online platform for ETH blockchain-based tokens reviews, aimed to provide developers with constructive feedback on their projects. The protocol also incentivizes authors to provide high-quality reviews.

Revain’s ultimate goal is to create a legitimate and genuine feedback structure for all global products and services that utilize emerging technologies, such as machine learning and blockchain. Revain implements artificial intelligence tools and a manual review system to ensure the high quality of reviews.

👉🏻 Recent announcements:



We have prepared top-performing coins as of January the 20th!

FTX Token has managed to become the best performing asset among TOP-100, gaining 9.72% within the last 24 hours.

Stacks was the worst-performing asset among TOP-100, losing 10.97% within the last 24 hours.

To get up-to-date reports on gainers and losers during the week, follow us on Twitter.

We made it for you, just read the the full piece 

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