
How to connect an exchange account to Good Crypto?

To connect your exchange account to Good Crypto you need to:

– Go to the exchange website, supported by Good Crypto (see the full list here)

– Log in or Create an account 

– Look for some sort of Profile settings, Connections, or Privacy & Security tabs of your account on exchange (options vary depending on the exchange of your choice)

– Find the API connections option there

– Click “Create new API key”

– Enable “View” and “Trade” options in API key settings. REMEMBER – Good Crypto doesn’t require the “Funds Deposit & Withdraw” option to import and sync your account.

– After the API key is created, write down the API key and secret on a piece of paper or make a screenshot of the QR code if there is one

 – Log in into Good Crypto and go to Settings -> Exchanges

– Choose the corresponding exchange and enter the API key or scan the QR code.

– You are all set! We will now import your account balances and orders history. After we finish syncing your account – you can start trading via the Good Crypto app interface.