
trading bot

It’s time to eliminate trading routines and get to a new level of capital and time efficiency with Bitget trading bots by GoodCrypto. Let the Bitget API bot handle all your trading routines, so you can focus on more important tasks in life while minimizing the risk of human error to nearly zero.

what is Bitget bot?

The Bitget API bot is an advanced trading tool by GoodCrypto allowing you to set, customize, and automatically execute complex trading strategies without the need to learn and use the code. It is designed to significantly reduce trading stress and almost completely eliminate the risk of human error when setting up and executing orders manually. So why wait? Embrace the new era of time and capital efficiency with our automatic Bitget crypto trading bots.

Bitget bot trading advantages

automated Bitget trading bot

automated Bitget trading bot

Bitget bot will be in the market at any time of the day, 24/7, capitalizing on every opportunity that the market provides. Launch your first Bitget bot and don’t miss out on any new trade opportunity.

Bitget bots for every market cycle

Bitget bots for every market cycle

GoodCrypto’s Bitget bots are highly customizable, making them a great fit for any market sentiment or cycle. Just pick the trading bot strategy that works best for you and let the bot do its work.

raise portfolio APY with Bitget trading bots

raise portfolio APY with Bitget trading bots

Our Bitget bots can work 24/7 adding consistency to your Bitget trading process. Delegating the routine to the bot is a great way to increase your APY without the need to put much effort from your part. Configure your first Bitget bot and start to constantly grow the value of your portfolio.

how to set up trading bot Ethereum?

1. connect your Bitget account

1. connect your Bitget account

Add Bitget API keys to your existing account

2. set up Bitget trading bots

2. set up Bitget trading bots

Simple set up in a few clicks with visual guides

3. enjoy bot trading on Bitget

3. enjoy bot trading on Bitget

Bots trade for you while you chill

bot trading Bitget strategies

GoodCrypto allows you to customize your Bitget trading bot according to the current market cycle, sentiment, or your trading strategy. Choose between DCA, Grid, and Infinity Trailing bot strategies, adapt them to the current market conditions, and forget about constantly monitoring charts or manually placing your orders. Set and launch once, it will be constantly seizing profit opportunities following the specific rules and conditions you determine for the bot, sparing you from all the exhausting routine.


Bitget Grid bot

Bitget Grid trading bot is designed specifically for the ranged market, allowing you to take advantage of the price bounces between support and resistance levels. It places buy and sell orders across multiple grid levels within the specified price range. When a buy or sell order is filled, the Bitget bot puts an opposite order on the level above or below, depending on the type of that order. It supports three main modes: long, short, and neutral.

The short mode allows the bot to set multiple sell orders and puts the buy limit order as a Take profit level. On the other hand, the Long Grid bot does the opposite, placing multiple buy orders and setting a sell order as a take-profit. Finally, the neutral mode combines the features of the previous two modes by placing limit buy orders below the current market price and sell orders above.

Bitget Grid bot

Bitget DCA bot

Bitget DCA bot is a beginner-friendly trading strategy that works well during both up and down-trending markets. It allows you to increase the chances of exiting the position with a profit by averaging down your entry price and adjusting the TP order when the price moves not in your favor. Once it retraces, the TP order gets triggered and the bot exits the market securing you a profit from your trade. Bitget DCA bot operates in two modes: placing averaging buy orders during long mode, and sell orders during short.

Furthermore, you can also configure TradingView webhooks or use our in-app TA signals to enable the DCA bot to automatically enter the trade once it receives any alert from either GoodCrypto or TradingView apps.

Bitget DCA bot

Bitget Infinity trailing bot

Bitget Infinity trailing bot is your best friend when the market goes wide, allowing you to automatically trade with multiple Bitget trailing stop orders. The bot is perfectly suited for entering the position at the price dips and taking advantage of its retracements, securing a profit for you once the market runs out of steam. Just set a trailing distance for your bot and watch how your portfolio begins to grow. The bot won’t stop operating until you turn it off manually or it reaches the predefined profit level or PnL drawdown limit.

Bitget Infinity trailing bot

Bitget futures bot

Trade perpetuals on Bitget using any of our Bitget Futures trading bots available in the app. Choose between Grid, DCA, and Infinity Trailing bots, customize them according to the current market cycle or specific needs, and trade any tokens on Bitget with up to 125x leverage.

Use long and short modes for Grid or DCA bots during the trend markets, depending on their current direction. Or run a neutral or Infinity Trailing bot to generate profits in the sideways and ranging Bitget futures markets.

While leverage may significantly boost your profitability, always strictly follow the risk management strategy and make sure you have enough margin in your futures account to avoid the liquidation risks when trading in the cross-margin mode as well as use isolated margin if possible.


manage all exchange accounts with one application!

Bitget fees

Trading bots execute significantly more trades compared to manual trading as they stay in the market 24/7. Therefore, it is important to use an exchange with fair fees to keep your overall trading process less expensive, and more profitable. Bitget trading fees are relatively low and range between 0.02% and 0.1% depending on the market type (spot or futures). The exchange also offers a 20% discount on fees paid to the platform in its native $BGB token.

per each spot trade
per each spot trade
0,1% Fee
futures trading maker/taker fee
futures trading maker/taker fee
20% off $BGB deduction
20% off $BGB deduction
on spot trading fee

why do you need Bitget bots by GoodCrypto?

Manual setting orders is not just stressful and time-consuming but also increases the risk of making a human error during trading. Our Bitget bots tackle these issues by offering customizable algo trading strategies that eliminate the lion’s share of the trading routine. Best of all,you can try our bots completely for free! Start a 14-day free trial and feel the full power of trading automation.


why GoodCrypto?


advanced trading functionality

Trade with advanced order types and automated trading algorithms on 35 exchanges. Use cutting edge technical analysis and charting functionality to take your trading to the next level.


simple and intuitive set up

Configuring even the most advanced trading tools with Good Crypto is simple and straightforward. All parameters are intuitively explained and every tool includes on-chart visual guides for a seamless set up.


best value in the market

With GoodCrypto you can enjoy the most advanced trading tools at the lowest price on the market. What is more, you can try them for FREE with a 14-day trial, making it a no-brainer


In our definitive guide, find all details about configuring the Bitget API key and secret and adding them to Good Crypto.

You can check the current prices here. Moreover, GoodCrypto offers a 14-day free trial to explore the functionality and start WhiteBITbot free trading.

Plenty of features are available in GoodCrypto for free. However, some advanced Trading tools and bots are available only in the PRO package. If you want to use the app at full blast, start with a 14-day free trial and give it a try!

GoodCrypto is one of the most secure crypto trading apps on the market.

  • We don’t have access to your funds.
  • We don’t require your wallet’s private keys.
  • The app supports immediate on-device asymmetric encryption of all API keys and user data.
  • All internal connections are encrypted, and backend services are encrypted and firewalled separately.

Please find more details about Good Crypto’s security on our Security page.

Everything is simple:

  • Download the GoodCrypto app.
  • Create an API key for your crypto exchange(s) and add it to GoodCrypto
* More details on how to configure API keys may be found here.
  • Start a 14-days free trial and launch the trading bot of your choice.

join DEX revolution

Step into the future of decentralized trading with goodcryptoX, the next-gen non-custodial DEX trading bot delivering unmatched functionality and enterprise-grade wallet security.

As a $GOOD token holder, unlock exclusive benefits like revenue sharing, reduced swap fees, trade mining rewards, and a voice in platform governance. Plus, Invite friends to join and earn up to 50% of their swap fees!

Stay ahead with cutting-edge trading features and unique rewards. Join goodcryptoX and take your DEX trading experience to the next level!