Semua pertukaran.
Alat perdagangan terbaik.
Satu aplikasi crypto.

Tumbuhkan portofolio Anda dengan aplikasi perdagangan crypto terbaik di pasar.

Semua pertukaran.<br> Alat perdagangan terbaik. <br> Satu aplikasi crypto.

Bawa Perdagangan Anda ke Level Berikutnya dengan GoodCrypto

Terminal Perdagangan Canggih
Terminal Perdagangan Canggih

Antarmuka perdagangan tunggal untuk 27 pertukaran Spot dan 9 pertukaran Futures, dilengkapi dengan alat charting dan indikator teknis, trailing orders, kombinasi Stop Loss + Take Profit, pesanan bersyarat yang tidak membekukan saldo Anda, webhook TradingView, pemberitahuan eksekusi pesanan, dan banyak lagi

Pelacak Portofolio Crypto
Pelacak Portofolio Crypto

Lacak seluruh portofolio crypto Anda secara real-time. Hubungkan semua dompet blockchain dan akun pertukaran Anda. Impor riwayat portofolio secara otomatis. Jadwalkan ringkasan portofolio dan terima pemberitahuan transaksi masuk

Strategi Perdagangan Otomatis
Strategi Perdagangan Otomatis

Temukan peluang keuntungan dengan bot perdagangan crypto kami tanpa memandang kondisi pasar. Bot DCA, Grid, dan Infinity Trailing kami bekerja di semua pertukaran Spot dan Futures yang kami dukung. Algoritma perdagangan kami menawarkan fitur canggih namun sangat ramah pengguna dan hemat biaya di pasar cryptocurrency.

Sinyal dan Pemberitahuan Crypto
Sinyal dan Pemberitahuan Crypto

Atur pemberitahuan khusus untuk harga, volume, atau indikator teknis. Tetap terdepan dengan pemberitahuan otomatis pintar kami. Terima pemberitahuan setiap kali sinyal analisis teknikal Buy atau Sell muncul untuk koin yang dipilih. Aktifkan pesanan atau bot perdagangan dengan webhook.




Pertukaran Crypto



paper desk

Perkenalkan goodcryptoX – Bot Perdagangan DEX pertama yang berbasis AI dan non-kustodian

Bawa perdagangan DEX Anda ke level berikutnya dengan goodcryptoX – platform perdagangan DEX pertama yang berbasis kecerdasan buatan dan dompet kontrak pintar. Akses pilihan tak tertandingi dari alat perdagangan canggih: mulai dari limit dan trailing orders serta market screener dengan auto-buying hingga bot perdagangan Grid dan DCA, kemampuan untuk membayar biaya gas dengan token ERC-20 mana pun, dan banyak lagi. Nikmati keamanan dompet tingkat perusahaan dengan perlindungan MPC penuh. Perkaya pengalaman Anda dengan pembagian pendapatan terbaik, program referral yang menguntungkan, dan diskon biaya swap tertinggi.


Terintegrasi dengan Semua Pertukaran Crypto Favorit Anda

Bagaimana Cara Memulai?

Buat akun GoodCrypto
Hubungkan pertukaran Anda dengan API keys
Nikmati perdagangan di desktop atau mobile

Keamanan adalah dasar desain sistem kami

Nikmati perdagangan di desktop atau mobile

API keys dienkripsi begitu Anda menambahkannya ke GoodCrypto

Nikmati perdagangan di desktop atau mobile

Audit keamanan eksternal reguler dan kerja sama dengan hacker putih

Nikmati perdagangan di desktop atau mobile

Data pengguna dienkripsi dan depersonalisasi. Aktivitas akun dipantau secara terus-menerus

Nikmati perdagangan di desktop atau mobile

Semua koneksi dienkripsi. Semua layanan backend dienkripsi dan dilindungi oleh firewall

Didukung oleh yang Terbaik

Bergabung dengan Program Afiliasi GoodCrypto

Bergabung dengan Program Afiliasi GoodCrypto

Manfaatkan program referral kami yang menguntungkan. Kenalkan kemampuan perdagangan crypto canggih GoodCrypto kepada teman-teman Anda dan dapatkan hingga 50% dari biaya langganan mereka serta hadiah tambahan berdasarkan volume perdagangan mereka.

Biarkan Pengguna Kami Berbicara Untuk Kami

Very handy app for trading on the go. Features a number of unique algorithmic order styles and long, short and neutral grid bots. The developer listens to the feature requests of the community and will take many suggestions on board.

Lee Rees


Truly blown away! Having visibility across exchanges is great, but finally having a truly well designed mobile app is huge. The apps from the exchanges are... not great. Like me, they prob assumed that mobile devs would eventually make use of the APIs and do a better job. And finally they did! Easiest navigation I've found without sacrificing any functionality. Super clean, snappy, lots of unique features, well done!

Justin Motz


Best crypto trading app ever
I like day trading in good crypto because you get all the great features in there. In the beginning I didn’t understand how to use it but overtime as I use it I start to get it now all I have to do is play with it, the more I play with it the more I get to know how to use it better.

First 21


This is the ONLY multi exchange trading platform that supports iPad. I like to trade on the move and not be stuck at my desk, and this is the only app that allows me to do that without having to log into exchange browser or phone app.



Just What I Needed
Many exchanges do not have advanced features such as trailing stop losses, take profits, trailing take profits and this app gives you that for many exchanges.



Very good. Use it often. No issues. Love the app. I was able to combine all my exchange accounts and now i can see everything in 1 dashboard. You can even trade directly from the app!!!! Amazing! Love the product.



Best crypto trading app out ! Hands down ! You can trade on ANY EXCHANGE all from this 1 app, instead of downloading multiple apps like Gemini, Coinbase, Kraken, etc. Not only that, the charts are directly from trading view, you can keep track of your entire portfolio from all the apps in this 1 app, it has more coins than anyone else, OVER 8,000! And you can see multiple trades your in on 1 screen. LOVE IT !! I have not had to use customer service yet so idk on that, but definitely A MUST HAVE!

Zachary Marron


A very useful app when bouncing between exchanges to get the best price for an asset. The interface is not overly complicated, yet has the right amount of necessary functions for setting specialized trade parameters. Orders are executed with lightning speed. Just another thought...with this app I have freed up phone space by removing all other native exchange apps. Say no to unnecessary phone clutter, say yes to Good Crypto.

Itchy Cornhole


Awesome app. A one stop app for all your needs in crypto trading. Keep up with your portfollio across the exchanges . Set price alerts, stop losses, take profits and trailing. The only things I can't find in the app is coin info research and news feeds. All in all a great app. And pro is the way to go. And the price is right. Keep up the good work and looking forward to new updates. Dan

Daniel Dillard


The developer is constantly working to make the app better. Even as is the features are profoundly better then most exchanges. Seeing all your funds in one place is a huge help. Join the telegram if you need to ask any questions Or if you would like to opt for new features. Not seen anyone work so hard on an app before and actually listen to the customers. ***Would like to see multi coin wallets introduced at some point and im sure they will be. 5***** all the way KEEP IT UP!!!

Daniel S


Unduh Aplikasi. Mulai Sekarang

Simpan portofolio Anda di saku. Manfaatkan peluang pasar dengan pesanan lanjutan dan strategi perdagangan otomatis kami. Ikuti perkembangan pasar dengan pemberitahuan pintar kami.

Unduh Aplikasi. Mulai Sekarang