2022-03-01 17.07.46

​​‼️Russian troops attacked Ukraine‼️

Dear Good Crypto users!

Ukraine has been on fire for six days. The Russian government, headed by Imperialist Putin, has raised a living hell on Earth. He attacked a peaceful country Ukraine and the Ukrainian civilians. Russian forces have launched a major assault on Ukraine, fired rockets at residential areas, killed civilians, spared neither children, women, nor elders. A lot of citizens have lost their homes and families. Pregnant women give birth right in the subway or basements while hiding from rockets and bombs. Dozens of innocent people die.

There is no justification for such cruelty! This is a genocide of the Ukrainian people by a mad dictator Putin and those who support him! It’s the biggest conflict in Europe since World War II! It should never have happened again but it is!

Why Good Crypto is posting nothing?

Since most of the Good Crypto team are Ukrainians and now they are forced to hide in bomb shelters or defend their country and families from the invaders, they suspended work and posting news on our social medias. Their heads are full of thoughts about surviving and helping their families, friends and people who need it.

All this time, our team has been doing our best to ensure that you use the best app, tools and features, tried you to stay looped in on the latest developments in our niche and tried very hard for you. Now we ask for your help and support!

How can you help?

Firstly, spread the word about Russia’s bloody war against the peaceful Ukrainian people, share it on all social medias, forward the information to friends, relatives, everyone you know! Don’t be indifferent! Everyone needs to know the truth!

Secondly, Ukrainian Armed Forces, volunteers and people are in great need of financial support.

If you have such opportunity, follow the link and send cryptocurrency to the Armed Forces Relief Fund. Any cryptocurrencies will be converted into UAH and transferred to the official bank account of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.


You can also follow the link and send cryptocurrency to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Any cryptocurrencies will be converted into UAH and transferred to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Assistance Fund.


To learn more about what’s happening in Ukraine, follow this link: https://twitter.com/nexta_tv 

We hope that  we will defeat the aggressor and become stronger, better, and more united very soon! 

🇺🇦 Stay Safe and Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦

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