Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) bot has become an increasingly popular trading tool due to its convenience, the versatility of its modes, and trading efficiency....

GoodCrypto integrated Bitget exchange!
We are proud to announce the integration of the world’s leading centralized crypto exchange, Bitget, into GoodCrypto. This partnership brings Bitget users to a new level of trading, streamlining their trading processes with advanced features such as trailing stop orders, cutting-edge trading bots, TradingView webhooks, our in-app smart TA signals, and other advanced trading features previously unavailable on Bitget.
what is Bitget exchange?
Bitget is a leading global centralized exchange, boasting over $39 billion traded in the last 24 hours and $10 billion traded on average daily. It supports more than 800 cryptocurrencies for spot trading and over 300 futures pairs across USDT-M, USDC-M, and Coin-M Futures, offering up to 125x leverage for traders looking to maximize their potential.
Since its inception in 2018, Bitget has been at the forefront of futures trading. It has cultivated a massive user base of over 45 million traders and more than 190,000 elite traders. With advanced trading tools like copy trading, integrated TradingView charts, an auto-invest bot, and other cutting-edge features, Bitget ensures that even beginners can seamlessly navigate and trade on the platform thanks to its user-friendly interface.
As one of the most popular crypto exchanges in the industry, Bitget takes its responsibility seriously by implementing multiple security measures to protect user assets and data. It employs multi-signature cold wallets to store the majority of funds offline and enforces strict limits with multi-factor authentication processes and anti-phishing codes for hot wallet withdrawals. Additionally, Bitget has established a 6,500 BTC protection fund, currently worth over $600 million, to safeguard users against any potential exploits on the exchange.
On top of all these benefits, Bitget is powered by its native $BGB token, which is used for spot trading fee deductions, daily free withdrawals, and provides access to exclusive features on platforms like PoolX, Launchpool, and Launchpad.
expand your trading opportunities on Bitget via GoodCrypto!
Here is what GoodCrypto brings to the table 👇
- Trailing Stop orders, allowing you to enter and exit positions at the best prices possible
- Ability to attach Stop Loss and Take Profit combos to any order you send;
- Conditional orders with no balance freeze until triggered
- Intelligent and auto alerts that notify you of market movements, new exchange listings, or custom notifications for when assets hit specific prices to always stay up to date on the market
- Smart TA Signals to go in and out of trades with lower risks
- Automated trading strategies such as DCA, Grid, and Infinity trailing with the ability to deeply customize them;
- Ability to configure GoodCrypto’s TA signals or TradingView webhooks for DCA bots, so they can enter or exit the market based on real-time alerts from those apps
- Trade with various other features that will assist you in making your trading process easier and more efficient.
GoodCrypto also provides plenty of trading on-chart visualization capabilities, helping you keep track of opened limit, Take Profit or Stop Loss orders on the graph, view the live movement of your Trailing Stop orders, follow live TA signals, and most exciting part –Â trade with the best crypto bot strategies that can significantly improve your trading performance:
- Infinity Trailing automatically trades with multiple trailing stop orders, allowing you to profit from market volatility. During swift price movements, it helps you enter trades at the best price with a trailing stop order and exit the market with the maximum profit using an opposite direction trailing Take Profit order. Just set a trailing distance for your bot and watch how your portfolio begins to grow. The bot won’t stop operating until you turn it off manually or it reaches the predefined profit level or PnL drawdown limit.Â
- Grid bot enables you to profit from the sideways markets by automatically setting and maintaining a grid of buy and sell orders within a specified price range. Once the order is triggered, it places an opposite-direction order on another grid level. It operates in three main modes: Neutral, Long and Short. Long mode places buy orders to profit from upward price movements. Short mode places sell orders to profit from downward price movements Neutral mode combines the features of both modes, placing buy limit orders on the levels above and sell limit orders below the market price.
- DCA bot is beginner-friendly, easy to understand, and simple to set up and works in both bullish and bearish conditions, increasing your chances of capturing profit by averaging down your entry price and adjusting your Take Profit level if the price moves against you. On GoodCrypto, the DCA bot is available in the manual, TradingView webhook, and TA signals (Auto) modes. Check more details here.
So what are you waiting for?
Configure your Bitget API key, add it to GoodCrypto, and enjoy seamless trading on the best crypto exchange through the cutting-edge trading platform right away!
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December 3, 2024