How to configure Coinbase API key and add it to Good Crypto

Want to trade on Coinbase Advanced Trade with Trailing Stop orders, Stop Loss and Take Profit combos, Grid, DCA, Infinity Trailing Algos, and other advanced trading tools? They are all at your disposal with the Good Crypto app. Add Coinbase API key to our app and enjoy our seamless trading flow with sophisticated trading tools that work in the same way on every crypto exchange we support.

How to configure Coinbase API key and add it to Good Crypto

Table of contents:

Connecting your Coinbase account to GoodCrypto with “Sign in with Coinbase”

The simplest, fastest and the most secure way of connecting your Coinbase account to GoodCrypto by far is by using the “Sign in with Coinbase” feature.

This functionality utilizes the industry-standard Oauth protocol and not only allows you to save time and effort but also to increase the security of your account. With Coinbase OAuth connection no API key is actually issued, so it cannot be lost, stolen, or compromised.

To connect your Coinbase account go to Settings in your Good Crypto app, then Exchanges, then Coinbase Advanced, and click Sign in with Coinbase Advanced.

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You will be redirected to the Coinbase sign-in page. Once there, enter your Coinbase email and click on the Continue button. Next, enter your password and click Continue again.

Go through the verification process by entering the 6-digit code sent to your email. Then, you will then be automatically redirected to a page where you need to confirm that you allow GoodCrypto to access your account.

To authorize Good Crypto to access your Coinbase account click on the Allow access button. This will create an Oauth connection between your Coinbase account and GoodCrypto and will let GoodCrypto sync your account balances and transactions info (“Access your account information” in Coinbase’s parlance), and send orders to Coinbase Advanced Trade (“Buy crypto” in Coinbase’s parlance).

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The connection status will turn to OK, and you’ll see a green checkbox. That’s it! You’re ready to go!

Connecting your Coinbase account to GoodCrypto with an API key

If you still choose to connect your Coinbase account to GoodCrypto with an old-fashioned API key, here are the steps to do it:

Step 1: Go to your Coinbase account Settings

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Sign in to your account on Coinbase, click on the Account/Profile icon, then on Settings, and then on API, as shown below.

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Step 2: Instruct Coinbase to issue an API key

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Start creating your API key by clicking Create API Key with Coinbase Developer Platform. Then you’ll be redirected to the permissions page.


Verify your actions by entering the 2-step verification code provided by SMS to your phone or your Authenticator app. Once you click the “Verify” button, you’ll be redirected to the permissions page.

Step 3: Set Coinbase API key permissions

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The View (read-only) permission is set by default. You need to set the Trade (execute trades on your behalf) permission as well for your API key to work correctly with GoodCrypto.

If you want to increase the security of your API key you can whitelist the following IP addresses, separated by commas and spaces:,,,,,,

Once pasted, click the “Create and download” button.

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Verify your actions by entering the 2-step verification code provided by SMS to your phone or your Authenticator app.

Step 4: Copy your Coinbase Advanced API key

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DO NOT CLOSE THIS SCREEN until you add your API key to Good Crypto – your secret key will only be shown to you this once – if you leave this screen, you’ll never see it again

Look at the red stripes painted over the API key name and the Secret, respectively. You have to copy each separately to add them to the Good Crypto app later.

You can save your keys on your computer, but we strongly advise against it – it is not safe!

Step 5: Add your Coinbase API key to Good Crypto

Once you’ve created your Coinbase API key, go to Settings in your Good Crypto app, then Exchanges, then Coinbase Advanced, and click Enter API keys.

You can do it either in our mobile app (on iOS or Android) or our Web app.

Copy the API Key and paste it into the respective field in Good Crypto. Then copy and paste the API Secret into the respective line.

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Don’t forget to name your account so that you can tell it apart from your other accounts. It will be displayed across the app, so make sure you include the name of the exchange in some form to be able to identify it.

Also, the shorter the name, the better since the space on the screen of your phone is scarce.
After you’ve done naming it – press Save and Validate.

If everything is fine, the status will turn to OK, and you’ll see a green checkbox. Begin using your account right away!

By the way, take a look at your new API key on the screen up above! We display the first and last numbers of your public key on purpose. In case you forget which account this key represents, you can always go back to the Coinbase interface and compare the first digits of the key, to differentiate one account from the other in case your naming skills will fail you.

If the key wasn’t added and you’ve received an error message, make sure you’ve entered the correct key and that the key has correct permissions.

The problem persists? Contact our support desk at

Congrats! You’ve successfully added one more exchange to your favorite crypto portfolio manager, Good Crypto.

What happens next:

Now GoodCrypto will import the history of your orders, deposits, and withdrawals from the exchange. It might take some time, so be patient.

Compared to other similar apps that start tracking your balance only from the moment you add your API key, Good Crypto is pulling data going as far back as the exchange API permits. Say, you’ve been two years with Coinbase. The app, then, will display how your portfolio has changed over the last 2 years (provided exchange API allows it). Pretty cool, huh?

If you are having troubles connecting your account – please, contact our support.

An introduction to Coinbase for new users

Coinbase was founded in 2012 by Brian Armstrong, a billionaire number one on the Forbes list of crypto billionaires and a shy man who turns everything he touches into gold. For many years Coinbase was basically a wallet with the ability to buy crypto with your credit card and convert your cryptos, whereas Coinbase Pro was a fully-fledged exchange offering traditional trading functionality. Now, Coinbase launched Coinbase Advanced Trade, which combines both platforms into one, offering both simple trading for crypto newbies and advanced for seasoned traders.

Advanced Trade on Coinbase is a trading platform intended to replace Coinbase Pro, offering pretty much the same functionality that Coinbase Pro did, but under the umbrella of a single app.

What is an API key?

Not specific to crypto, API stands for application programming interface that allows two apps to recognize and talk to each other. Think of connecting two apps via an API as creating a group chat for a couple of your friends that you want to introduce to each other.

Coinbase exchange and the GoodCrypto app are two separate platforms, so you’ll need to connect them if you want to import your trades, balances, and positions from Coinbase to Good Crypto and execute orders on Coinbase via our app. An API key will help you with that.

You’ve probably heard of public and private keys in the context of blockchain wallets. The API key you generate on the exchange is made up of these two keys exactly and works similarly.

The API key, public key, or public address identifies you as a user. Think of it as the email you use to create an account, while the API secret or secret key, visible only to you, signs the requests from your public address and proves that it was you who sent the request, beyond any doubt due to strict mathematical rules of asymmetric encryption.


So, is it safe to add your Coinbase API key to Good Crypto?

Firstly, you can now avoid any risk connected to API keys whatsoever by connecting your Coinbase account to GoodCrypto via OAuth protocol – via “Sign in with Coinbase” functionality. In this case, no API key is issued, and the connectivity relies on encrypted authentication tokens that are reissued every 30 minutes.

If you still choose to create an API key, be aware that, In general, by issuing an API key, you create a potential (however small) risk to your account’s security. But don’t worry, Good Crypto has got you covered!

When you add your API key to your Good Crypto account, it gets immediately encrypted on your device and transferred to our servers in an encrypted form over a secure channel. From now on, your encrypted key is stored in our database, being invisible to anybody. Channels of communication between our app and our servers are always encrypted – this is how we make sure no man-in-the-middle attack is possible. When you need to send your order to the exchange, you instruct the app, and we send the request to our server. In an instant, the server places your order on the exchange.

Moreover, your public and secret keys are always stored in separate encrypted and firewalled databases on our servers and only “meet” for a brief moment of signing the request to the exchange.

Thus, your API key is totally secure once inside the app – your main task is to make sure you don’t expose your API key yourself. The critical rule for that is to NEVER send your API key over an unencrypted channel. This means absolutely no sending your API key to your phone by email! The most secure way is to issue a QR code for the API key on your desktop and scan it with the Good Crypto app from your phone (more on that below).

There is also an additional layer of security since it’s you and solely you who defines allowed actions, or permissions, for your API key. It’s less complicated than you think. Look!

Good Crypto normally requires two permissions: the permission to import and track your orders, positions, and balances (Read) and send orders to the exchange (Trade). To allow these permissions, just check Read and Trade while creating your keys.

But, please, note that we strongly encourage you NOT to check the Withdrawal box while creating your key. Our app doesn’t need this option to function just fine, so do yourself a favor and reduce the risk for your funds being withdrawn by anyone but yourself.

Check out our other pieces to learn how to trade and earn with Good Crypto

Supertrend Indicator: How To Set Up, Use and Create Profitable Crypto Trading Strategy

Crypto Trading Bots: What Bots and Strategies to Use to Make Your Trading Lucrative

Have an account with other exchanges? No problem! Find yours in the list of 35 + guides we’ve provided for you:

How to configure KuCoin‌ API key and add it to Good Crypto

How to configure Binance API key and add it to Good Crypto

How to configure Bybit API key and add it to Good Crypto

How to configure Kraken API key and add it to Good Crypto

How to configure BitMEX API key and add it to Good Crypto app

How to configure Bitfinex API key and add it to Good Crypto

How to configure Mandala API key and add it to Good Crypto

How to configure Phemex API key and add it to Good Crypto

How to configure Coinbase Pro API key and add it to Good Crypto

How to configure OKX API key and OKX Futures API key and add it to Good Crypto

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